The Vision
Foundational Commitments of Grace CovenantA Commitment to Christ
We recognize Jesus as the only begotten son of God and redeeming savior for mankind; we acknowledge His resurrection as the hope for eternal life; we accept the gift of grace through faith in Jesus; we recognize his example of grace as the compass for our daily lives.
A Commitment to the Word
We recognize the Word of God as perfect; we believe that its teachings lead to spiritual growth and maturity.
A Commitment to Family and the Community
We recognized the family as the stabilizing force for the church and global civilization; we recognize service to the community as an extension of the grace God grants the believer; we seek a biblical balance between assembling in the name of Christ and kingdom-building ministry for the cause of Christ.
A Commitment to Worship
We acknowledge the purpose for which man was created; we contribute our gifts and talents for the edification of the body of Christ; we offer our lives and lifestyles as instruments for God’s glory and honor.
A Commitment to Stewardship and Fiscal Responsibility
We recognize tithing as God’s plan to support the work of the local church and ministry abroad; we believe that the principles of sowing and reaping ensure financial security; we promote transparency as a tool that builds trust and consensus.
Pastoral Note: In the infancy of the ministry, it is important to use the First Church’s activities (daily prayer, fellowship from house to house, sharing of possessions) as a guide for solid and purposeful growth (Acts 2:42-47 ; 4:32-37).
The Grace Covenant Declaration:
We are the children of God, who have been reconciled by His unmerited favor
We are the church of God, which is built on the Blood of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
We trust the Spirit of God to show us the truth, lead us to righteousness, and give us the victory
This is a God-fearing, people-loving, disciple-making church!